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BEST AND WORST Livestock for Beginners

With the spread of mad cow and foot-and-mouth diseases in the recent years, the topic is of no minor importance to every consumer of livestock products. Most people would logically not resort to the alternative of raising livestock on their own because of fear of special animal diseases. Those people who are doing so as well as those who are naturally curious could find much information about animal husbandry and livestock diseases across the Internet. Processed animal fat, called tallow, can be made into livestock feed, shortening, and soap. Some manufacturers also used the feathers of ducks and geese in making insulated clothing and bedding. Every year, livestock deposit tons of body wastes that fertilize the soil. This organic fertilizer increases the growth and food production of many plants. Livestock for Profit Guide: Various Beef Cattle Breeds Beef cattle or beef cows are raised mainly for meat production. Their meat is cut into ground beef for sausages or burger patties, ribs, steaks, and roasts. Beef cattle is raised not just for meat, but also for other purposes. For example, the insides of the cattle are used as an ingredient for cosmetic and hair care products, while the hides are used as materials of leather products such as shoes and bags. Don t fret about using large brand because it won t affect the marketability of your stock. In fact, animals with brands of the right size receive high market value. When using a hot iron, make sure that it is heated correctly. It should have the color of ashes. If you allow the hot iron to become red-hot, it may lead to burning of your animal s hair and poor-quality branding. Air hissing is particularly more stressful to livestock. Thus, air-operated tools must be equipped with special mufflers to minimize unlikely noise when handling and moving livestock animals. Calm pigs and cattle are noticeably much easier to move and handle than excited animals. Excited and agitated animals are harder to sort and separate. Sheep When it comes to financial rewards, you can never go wrong with raising sheep. You can make money with sheep in different ways. Their meat is in demand especially during Muslim, Christian, and Jewish holidays, not to mention that the prices of lamb has remained strong over the years. Milk cheese is another product from sheep that can rake in lots of profit. 

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