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Don't mess with the Australian Cattle Dog

Larger animals, such as cattle, are a capital reserve, built up in good times to be used when crops are poor or when the family is facing large expenses, such as the cost of a wedding or a hospital bill. But above all these, you must also take some considerations in choosing the kind of animals you would want to take care of. Your ability to market the farm animals This is obviously important if you are planning to raise animals for profit. Consider your willingness to sell the sheep you have grown to love or to bring your favorite cattle for slaughtering. The job also entails regularly keeping track of the trends in the market to guarantee sales and profits out of your animals. Today, the modern meaning of "cattle", without a qualifier, usually refers to domesticated bovines. Other species of the genus Bos sometimes are called wild cattle. The term "livestock" is vague and may be defined narrowly or broadly. On a broader view, livestock refers to any breed or population of animal kept by humans for a useful, commercial purpose. For vegetarians, there could be no issue regarding the possibility to fold up livestock production for food consumption. However, not all people are among them. In general, meats from animals are still a significant part of healthy human diets. They are still the best sources of protein, fiber, and necessary fats that the human body needs. Also important to remember is that spaces between animals largely depend on their kind. Fourth, it is important to remember common attitude and behaviours of the animals. For example, cattle are prone to stampeding; pig males have fierce tusks, and horses kick when feel threatened. Another notable case is that animals like chicken and pigs must travel inside temperature-controlled conditions. Your state may require you to place the brand on a particular area of your animal s body. You may also be required to use a brand of a certain size so that it can be easily seen on your animals. The brand should be burned clearly and cleanly using freeze branding or hot iron. Don t fret about using large brand because it won t affect the marketability of your stock. 

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