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Rotational Grazing with Cows & Chickens | Julia Gasser | Organic Valley

This practice has been proven to help relax animals and make their moods good all the time. Animal rights advocates agree that this practice is putting more humanity into the industry, somehow. Livestock handling facilities practice several basic procedures for proper handling of farm animals, which are raised for food consumption. Pigs often are bred in overcrowded pens, making them fight with each other and possibly get untimely deaths. Pregnant sows are confined in special gestation crates, where they are prevented from turning around and lying down comfortably. Most cows do not experience getting out of barns where they are literally kept for all of their lives. It should be clean and free from scales, sharp edges, and burnt hair. If it needs cleaning, use a steel brush for that purpose. The correct thickness of iron brand to be used depends on the kind of farm animal. For yearlings, you need a 5-inch iron, and for calves, you need a 4-inch iron. Since horses have thin skin, a light iron is enough for branding. Choose a Knowledgeable Dealer A good dealer is someone with enough knowledge and experience about pig farming. Contact a pig dealer and ask him about anything related to raising pigs such as dealing with sick pigs and feeding pigs properly. If he was not able to answer all the questions adequately, then look for other dealers. Have Your Own Animal Farm and Earn Big Almost every family in the Philippines owns a dog, cat, bird, or any other domesticated animal which they feed, bathe, and treat as a lovable pet. While some pet owners focus more on taking care wild and exotic animals such as cobra, iguana, scorpion, and others. Provide them with clean water to prevent them from getting dehydrated. Make sure that they get enough nourishment. Over time, taking good care of your beef cows will give you monetary rewards. You should have ample pasture space for grazing of your beef cattle, no matter how small your farm is. If your space available for grazing is not enough, you can compensate for it by providing good grades of hey. 

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