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Facts About Baby Monitors Before you shop for a baby monitor that suits you, try to get the lowdown on these valuable modern-day parenting gadgets. A baby monitor, basically, is a radio transmitter that lets you listen to sounds coming from your baby's room. This efficient and compact device is made up of two parts: the radio transmitter and the portable receiver. Most baby monitors these days also come with receivers that have belt clips. This feature allows parents to carry the device around without much effort. If you intend to take the receiver anywhere in the house for extended periods of time, test out the attachment method just to be sure that it's durable enough to endure daily usage. How the Two-way Baby Monitor Benefits You and Your Baby A baby monitor is a device that is used to check on the baby even if the watcher is not inside the same room. It is extremely helpful; especially to parents who cannot possibly stay by their baby s side at all times. The most common type used is the audio monitor. Professionals, to live up to their name, will do anything to please their customers. They will provide you with the latest in technology baby monitors. The better the technology, the better monitoring will be. Disadvantages of Using Professional Wireless Baby Monitors LCD The biggest disadvantage of using professional wireless baby monitors is its cost. In choosing a monitor, the right range or bandwidth must be considered properly. If it would be used in a bigger house, then a wider range is required. A smaller house or apartment might not need as much range especially if one lives in an area where there may be a lot of interference such as cell phones and other monitors that could disrupt the signals. But baby monitors have already come a long way. Today, different baby monitors have been developed which make use not only of sounds but of images as well. A great example of this is the video baby monitor. Video baby monitors make use of cameras instead of just the usual transmitter with microphone device. 

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