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Bae have pet spiders (Sometimes)【HololiveEN】

They are found almost everywhere on the North American continent except the area at the west of the Rocky Mountains; what seems even more interesting is the fact that a variety of brown recluse spiders is also found in Hawaii. In its natural habitat the species prefers rotten tree bark as the favorite place to make the nest, but it is also found in alls sorts of house corners. Among other species, trapdoor spiders have a pretty long life span from five to twenty years, and only the females make a nest, whereas males go out in the open hunting and looking for a mate. The bites of these spiders are not dangerous, though sometimes nasty symptoms may appear: itching, swelling and even pain are among the most frequently encountered. What is the first aid procedure in case of spider bites? It all depends on the body part where you've been bitten; when the spider bites occur on the arm or the leg, tie a bandage right above the bite so as to prevent the spreading of the venom. Nevertheless, too tight a bandage may affect the correct blood flow in the area. The easiest way to tell spiders apart is by comparing them with pictures from albums and learning the features specific to each species or variety. Many people learn to identify spider specimens that live closest to their homes, in sheds and garages. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. Due to the extended size, the camel spiders are able to cut down the sting of the scorpion and make it harmless. The male camel spiders are smaller than the females, particularly since the latter will eat a lot before hatching. They need to accumulate some fat in order to be able to resist without food during the period when they have to guard the eggs. Unlike other related species, the hobo spider isn't hairy; though the legs of these creatures are very strong and large, they are also very smooth. The life extent of the hobo spider is pretty reduced, but though this species lives for a short period of time, their existence is pretty intense. Every year around August and September the hobo spider males are incredibly active, and it is during this time of the year that most bites are reported. 

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