As everyone knows, when the child is young the problems are not very serious and difficult to solve whereas they get harder to deal with and more serious in time. Yet when the time comes for a child to give up diapers and learn to use the potty or the toilet, many of the parents experience a real nightmare. You may notice that your child shows some interest in using the toilet or potty; the child starts making faces and changing his/her posture or telling you when it is time to urinate; sometimes children want to be changed soon after soiling their diapers; or they can speak well enough to be able to tell when they need to use the potty. When it comes to potty training, specialists have come to understand the importance of drawings and pictures or visual cues in training the children various things. So potty training clip art has appeared and it is quite successful apparently. It can be used in its various forms to help the child understand what he has to do and also to motivate him or her. Again, if you want the child to successfully complete potty training in 3 days or even in a longer time, it is best to not make a big fuss about his potty accidents. You should think that it is only natural for him to wet his pants to until he gets full control over this new skill you want him to acquire. Since the doll will use water it is important that it should not have batteries simply for the safety of your child. Regularly the potty training kit has a doll that wears diapers under its clothes. As for the pants or the underwear in the potty training kit, those are for the doll. It is important that the potty training kit should have these, as you have to show the child that the doll is big enough to wear big kid pants or underwear now, so that you can ask the child to accept getting rid of his own diapers as it is done with the doll s. Some of the potty training resistance reasons are: the fear of sitting on the potty chair, pushing a child too early or too fast towards doing this, harsh punishments or incorrectly applied rewards for doing or not doing it, forceful and aggressive implementation of the use of the potty, inconsistent training or mere stubbornness of a child who simply enjoys trying to control the parents.
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