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Through a speed dating party, singles who usually take part are given their own identification numbers to help them be identified by other participating singles in the event. They are also given a piece of paper where they will be able to size up and assess other speed daters whom they will be meeting at the event. At the end of each mini date, the organizers will signal the partners to change partners by ringing a bell. Exchanging of contact information is forbidden during the actual date but afterwards you will give to the organizers the name or names of the person(s) you want to have your contact information. After the session, the person should take note whether anyone in the group is worth seeing on a date. This will also be done by the other participants and this is only fair since everyone came here for the same thing which is to hopefully meet someone through the speed dating service. If by chance, that individual doesn t get matched up with anyone, there will always be another one the week after. With less than 10 minutes to talk among themselves, participants will basically decide on who he or she thinks is the perfect match on first impressions alone. There are already a lot of dating companies in Ottawa that offer speed dating and personalized dating services. Each one may have different rules or may have their own ways of doing things but the basic concept remains: arranging mini-dates in a timed setting in an attempt to find the person that matches one's personality. A Perspective to a Life-long Commitment Over the Continent Speed dating is a modern approach of singles (including divorced, widowers, widows) regardless of genre, age, and status for even gays and lesbians merit considerations in this 21st century practice of meeting acquaintance, or would-be future partners in life. Should this happen, the individual is entitled to the next one free of charge making one feel there is still hope out there in finding the better half. But speed dating per se is not just for those who want to find the perfect mate. There are those who attend to be able to meet new people and use it to build a network. 

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