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Brown Widow Spider Distantly related to the black widow, the brown widow spider is far less toxic than its famous cousin. Though it is widely spread in the United States, this species often proves difficult to identify because of its variable color. Thus, you may find brown widow spider specimens in a variety of colors from light tan to dark brown; moreover, all sorts of markings decorate their bodies making them all the more unique. One of the natural enemies of the camel spiders, the scorpions are very likely to lose a fight against this giant arachnid. Due to the extended size, the camel spiders are able to cut down the sting of the scorpion and make it harmless. The male camel spiders are smaller than the females, particularly since the latter will eat a lot before hatching. Trapdoor spiders are not that easy to identify since there are other similar species for which they are often mistaken: the funnel-web spiders and the mouse spiders are the most relevant examples here. Without detailed analysis, a correct identification cannot be performed, and it is usually for the professionals to succeed in such daring attempts. Typically hairy, the wolf spider can be brown or gray with all sorts of markings and lines on the back and the abdomen. The special thing about these creatures is the way the females carry the egg sacs with them, and once the eggs hatch, the siblings remain attached to their mothers' back until they are large enough to detach and start a life on their own. The only distinct element of the male funnel web spider is a swelling on the second leg and the spinnerets located at the end of the abdomen. The female funnel web spider lives very isolated, it remains in the burrow for almost its entire life; males are the ones that go out to hunt and find mates particularly in summer and autumn months. However, people who have been bitten may expect to experience headaches and a general feeling of malaise. Sometimes, even vision problems have been reported, but under such circumstances you should contact the doctor right away and receive professional help. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to stay calm since anxiety adds up to the severity of the symptoms and that is surely the last thing you'd like to do. 

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