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Top 10 Most Venomous Spiders in the World

In terms of gender relationships, male spiders are famous for being killed right after intercourse, or at least this is the general myth people know. Relatively smaller than the females, the male spiders of certain exotic species are indeed sacrificed for the perpetuation of their breed. Nevertheless, this is not a general rule as in most cases, both males and females survive the encounter. Like with other spider species, the female sometimes eats the male, but the latter often escapes being eaten and manages to mate with several females before dying. The siblings will not appear for a few months after intercourse, and they will remain protected in the female's burrow until they are old enough to disperse on the ground. For such cases spider identification is not necessary; but we cannot say the same thing about the widow spiders that require the immediate use of an anti-venom. Therefore, spider identification can be crucial when you need to be able to apply the right treatment without any further delay. Spiders that live outdoors are more difficult to identify due to the large number of species both harmful and venomous. The easiest way to tell spiders apart is by comparing them with pictures from albums and learning the features specific to each species or variety. Many people learn to identify spider specimens that live closest to their homes, in sheds and garages. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. It is actually very likely to take a skin infection with a staphylococcus for a brown recluse spider bite, hence it is good to know that such injuries are rare and accidental. Brown recluse spiders are small, with an overall adult size that does not go beyond twelve millimeters; males are small then females, but they have slightly larger feet. The male camel spiders are smaller than the females, particularly since the latter will eat a lot before hatching. They need to accumulate some fat in order to be able to resist without food during the period when they have to guard the eggs. The easy way to distinguish between males and females is not just body size, but also the length of the articulated feet. 

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