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Depression and spiritual awakening -- two sides of one door | Lisa Miller | TEDxTeachersCollege

The devices that these negative forces will use are usually those that cause many of us troubles and without being aware of this fact, we always tend to easily blame God for the problems that come our way. To attack these devices, a strong faith is always a must. The people were created after the image of God and it is for this reason why the enemy doesn't like us. Such a thing is called relationship. There are different kinds of relationships which people share with one another and one kind is the spiritual relationship. This kind of relationship basically aims for the greatest good for every person involved. It totally transcends every tangible being and matter in the earth and envelops people with the sole purpose of achieving higher things in life. As mentioned a while ago, spiritual ecards on the internet come in great options and ideas giving you easier time to find the exact one. You can put your own wordings together with a certain verse or religious saying on the ecards for a more personalized touch and to have a more impact on the recipient. Therefore, it is very important that people find both the time and means for growing spiritually wherein they make themselves attuned with their spiritual and mental capacities. What is more, contentment and lack of desire for worldly possessions is the true meaning of spiritual growth. When your perception of life transcends the need for material possessions to quantify your being, then you can proudly claim that you are liberated and that you have spiritually grown. It involves heightened consciousness, enlightenment, and transcendence. How do we exactly reach this state? Does it involve secluding ourselves in one solitary room and concentrating as hardly as we can? Maybe so, but the act of achieving spiritual awakening is a much more sophisticated process. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING THROUGH MEDITATION A full understanding of how our mind works is instrumental in this endeavor. He founded the movement of Anthroposopy, and postulated a belief system that integrates the material world to the spiritual world. This integration is focused on spiritual sustenance that an individual can achieve in interacting with the physical plane through the gaining of wisdom and knowledge, with the conscious effort of being an advocate of love, humanism and the general well being of mankind. 

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