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Awakening Mind Part 1, "Know Thyself" (2023) - Complete HD Film

Many people are too concerned with their past or perhaps their future that they soon fail to realize that they are in fact living in the present. Thus, they ultimately forget the value of the things that they have today since they are totally blinded by things that have already happened or have not even occurred yet. Human perception is limited, and what we sense in our surroundings are its mere products. Take color for instance. Color is just a quality assigned by the brain in accordance to different degrees of wavelengths. So color in itself is just an illusion, and we can't really tell that red or blue is an absolute truth when describing specific objects. With the term spiritual, it is simply saying that we are openly bringing ourselves to our faith to God and restoring our bodies in their spiritual state. Balanced Aspects Of The Body It is true to say that the human body is not simply composed by the physical being but rather of other aspects as well including the mental, emotional and spiritual beings. The creation of wealth is directly proportional to the amount of hard work that a person is willing to take. At the start yes, there is no substitute for that. After all, the person that desires to create more wealth will have to conceptualize, experiment, study and will, on many occasions be willing to make mistakes to learn more. When that happens, opportunities get less, cooperation with other people is not achieved, loneliness sets in, more than that, there is confusion in the mind that affects even the simplest of better judgment further eroding the persons capabilities. In today's world where everything is measured in cents and dimes, honesty is rare. Faith and belief that is certain and with conviction, without inner conflicts ultimately prepares all of us to achieve things that other people could only call luck. Believing in who you are and what you are capable of doing starts the ball of opportunity rolling to your direction. All that is left is your ability to recognize it and act on it. 

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