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Your body is transforming: Physical signs of spiritual awakening | Ascensions | Pleiadians

Negativity Making It Worse For Human Beings Furthermore, it is true that our world today is filled with such negative auras and unhealthy temptations. Many people are deprived of spiritual development simply because they are distracted by the countless materialistic things which they think are indispensable in order to survive. So what's the best cure after initial attempts to find solace has failed? It can be summed up in two words: spiritual awakening. WHAT IS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING? Spiritual awakening is a process that takes place in an individual's being. It involves heightened consciousness, enlightenment, and transcendence. A short and concise enumeration of spiritual values that are easily distinguishable from each other is a much better method to establish a concrete conceptualization of what the numbers represent. Below is a short guide to each of the numbers and the values attributed to them: One: Strong Will, Aggression, Positivity Two: Duality, Harmony, Balance Three: Magic, Talent, Intuition Four: Stability, Groundedness, Solidity Five: Travel. Moreover, with such spiritual symbols present everywhere; we are then being guided into being able to communicate with our inner self or with our mind. Such symbols tell us right from wrong and therefore, become our saviors in times of need. Spiritual Symbols: Perceivable To The Eyes However, such spiritual symbols can still be depicted in ways that can be perceived by the eyes. Agreed, but if someone keeps on looking for it, a good idea will start somehow somewhere. The best person to be looking for ideas is the self. The things that the person loved doing or the make believe that the person enjoys when still a child is sufficient material for an idea. Education is needed to start a business. The cause of sadness and wars is greed, not religion, not spirituality. It is the desire to outdo the other to get the upper hand, to dominate, to enforce the will that causes grief and conflicts. More than anything else, it is the love of the self while everything else is secondary, if not dispensable. 

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