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Reiki for Spiritual Awakening | Spiritual Enlightenment | Energy Healing

And when a person experiences a decline in his spirituality, chances are his physical body is also affected. This is when his body can be ill or be inflicted with all sorts of diseases. Although scientifically he can be cured in his physical state, it does not necessarily mean that he is cured completely. All successful businessmen for the last two hundred years were dropouts, have little education, or are simple sturdy people who refused to be satisfied with whatever chance and fortune came their way. I am too old is again another fallacy. Many businesses have been established and made successful from retirement money. Without such things, a person can easily disregard a theory and disprove its validity. And as soon as a person can test a concept with the use of scientific methods and experimentation he can finally say that it is in fact a reality. However, with such a method like that, it totally makes it difficult for people to fully understand and believe in a thing called spiritual science. The world that we see as an evil place where materialism and capitalism reign suddenly becomes something that is much more beautiful and worthy of preservation. And what is more, as our spirit is being opened to the true light of the world, we can then understand how it truly turns around; and as soon as we know it, we can already make it evolve into the things that we so desire. One of the compelling facts of Spiritual Science is that it utilizes many schools of thought that have a foothold on both spiritual and scientific discourse, and the combination thereof, such as metaphysics, chemistry, the social sciences, arts, literature and many others. Its practicality in the ever-changing world and emphasis on progress to a multitude of human endeavors, make it all the more beneficial to humankind. These two indulgences have dominated human's consciousness in the process of achieving answers to the mysteries that have confounded us about the universe. These two distinct establishments, polar opposites they may be, have paved the way to advancement in the realm of technology and human awareness. 

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