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432Hz Spiritual AWAKENING Music 》Empower Your Soul & Raise Your Vibration 》Experience Oneness

All it takes are simple measures that would not cost anything aside from a change in attitude. Honesty and goodwill does it while for the most times, fear of poverty hinders it. Here are proven practical steps: Give. It is so ironic that people who give are those who have more. It is not true that those who are able to give can because they live on excess, as most people believe. These are the men and women who were able to harness and tap energies that prepared them and made them respond to the voice calling from within. Their messages are the foundations from which societies based their civility, morality and laws that have guided us, without which would have made it impossible for humanity to survive. There are general principles, though, that improves the chances of tapping into the spiritual energy that prepares us to acquire wealth. To Have or Not To Have This is self-image. Whatever we want happens. All of us have the potential to have or not to have, to be or not to be. We could be a vegetarian, a football fan, a family man, a priest, a star or a eunuch. With a suffering person waiting to be healed, spiritual medicine can readily exchange the healing force that comes from the outside or from God to the negative forces that are building within his body. Such a method can be done by a healer who has experienced spiritual awakening and development and is capable enough to mediate the transfer of the healing force. And in order for any person to be healed in a spiritual sense, you will need to open up not only your mind but also your heart and soul. There is the need to feel connected with God and therefore, the need to accept the fact that God exists among us. Likewise, you need to have total faith in Him so that as soon as you accept Him and His healing, you are then right away saved. Spiritual Warfare: Shield And Save Your Faith When your faith is being attacked by negative forces, what do you do to shield and save it from becoming crushed? Do you know how to approach these factors, such as poverty, tragedy, sickness, and accidents, so that your faith will respond better in the sense that it wouldn't easily stumble to the ground? 

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