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Bill Burr's Comedy Writing Secrets (Feat. The Joke Doctor)

Here are several effective ways on how you could learn standup comedy on your own. Study great comedians You could learn from the bests. Watch live or rent videos of popular stand-up shows featuring no less than the masters. Carefully study how they make people laugh. Analyze what makes them really funny. It would not help if you would not be able to read your own handwriting especially when nervousness is taking your control. On the performance itself, try not to appear as if you are reading everything from your cue card. It would be better if you would not have any of those cards in your hand, but because it is your first time, it would be at your advantage if you have them. This adds more pressure to the performer aside from the fact that most routines are executed as a one-man show. Heckling is one situation a stand-up comedian must learn to face. It happens when the scheduled performer is not able to produce the needed laughs from the audience resulting into a very tight and harassing predicament. Lenny Henry is a prime success story that went through this career path. Mike Yarwood smoked the competition during the early stages of the 80s wherein his program showcased impressionist scene at its finest thus receiving high ratings and constant support from more than ten million spectators. The 90s impressionist s picture was quite blurry. They can be very specific when it comes to sexual jokes and bad language. Swearing on stage is a common component of the act mixed with observational humour that lingers around sex acts and sexuality. And toilet humour is never out of the picture. Even though extreme slapstick was less practiced by alternative comics there were quite some who took the risk and ventured into the hurting. The pattern followed by the roles of both the boke and tsukkomi is derived from the old stand-up routine wherein the Manzai performers show up on stage delivering messages from the gods. Opposition is the name of the game as one performer spoils the party of the other. When the Edo period came into the picture the style shifted with more emphasis on the humorous facet of stand-up. 

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