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Vital Pointers When You Want to Learn Standup Comedy There are many resources that you will find once you begin your search about how to learn standup comedy. It doesn't mean that after reading all these, you will be able to hone the craft immediately. It takes time and lots of practice before you can even try doing this in front of a big audience. The brick wall is a common backdrop which was started in North America and has now established an iconic stature within the circles of comedy clubs. The audience plays a vital role in the make or break show of a comedian. This is the reason why stand-up comedy is not a walk in the park. The feedback quality from the people in attendance is very crucial as it can instantly bring fame and glory or shame and failure to the person up on stage. Although the place is a good practice field for people like you who are dreaming to become famous, there are many other people who have the same dream and they also frequent places where they can get the chance to perform. It is like entering a dungeon once you are in, there is no turning back. You should be prepared to be hurt emotionally even when you only intended to make people laugh. To get you started, here are some tips that you can follow in order to overcome the shadow of what s stopping you to let it all out. 1. You have to learn how to express to people who you really are. People will watch you because they believe that you have the talent and that you will be worthy of the price that they have to pay to see you perform. These factors play a great role in making the whole act effective and funny that could help you generate laughter from those who are watching you perform. 2. It will help to watch your favorite performers and learn from how they do their acts. You may realize that the pros use certain techniques to make their performances effective and funny. Every anecdote or joke should feature a setup and a punch line (the funny part). Train for your act Public speaking training or improvisation acting could be very helpful. It is important that you feel comfortable whenever you are on stage or in front of the audience. To feel comfort in the act, start by memorizing your best materials. 

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