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Kelly Slater Answers Surfing Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Surfing Preparations - What You Need To Do Before Attempting The Waves Surfing is definitely a fun sport to try out -- the exhilarating experience of skimming through the waves with the sun and wind on your face -- priceless. However, surfing is not without its risk especially if you're aiming to overcome the huge, towering swells to cater to your need of a thrill and challenge. Learning the Dangers The best way to avoid getting into trouble with surfing is to learn the danger before you try it out on the waves. The most common danger with water-based sports is drowning but you can easily avoid this when you have the right gears. Another danger in surfing is collision. It is important that you surf in a location without any physical hurdles, like sandbars, rocks, reefs, and even other surfers. Other boards for windsurfing includes a Wave Board that is small and lighter for added maneuverability and its wider counterpart called Freestyle boards. If you want speed then a Slalom board should cater to your needs. Learning from Experts The best way to learn wind surfing is to let an expert handle your lessons. The second step is to enroll in a surfing school for a step-by-step lesson to the sport. However, if you don t have the time to enroll in a surfing class then here is a simple guide to teach you the basics from scratch while learning it on your own. Step 1: Get Into the Surfing Lifestyle The best way to learn surfing on your own is to first start by getting into the lifestyle. Tips To Help You Find The Right Surfing School To Give You Lessons One the best and proven methods to learn surfing is to enroll yourself in a surfing school in your area. There is nothing holy to learning the basics of surfing through trial and error experiences on the waves as have experts surfers have done since time immemorial. Huge swells were considered as a challenge -- both men and women bring their boards, paddle to the waves, and show their moves for the world to see. Competitions are being held during peak seasons when waves reach suitable heights for surfers to show off their skills, winners earning the trophy, prestige, and of course, the money that comes with it. 

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