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 Severe tooth destruction due to teeth grinding🤯#Tooth #Grinding #Clenching #nightguard

If the bristles start to get worn down, they can tear away at your gums, leading to sensitivity. To get the most from your brushing, you should always use a bit of common sense and ask your dentist for his recommendations. Brushing your teeth will help keep them healthy, and prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. If you do have periodontal disease, your dentist can tell you how to stop the progression and prevent things from getting any worse than they already are. To be on the safe side and protect your teeth and your gums, you should always go to the dentist for your regular checkups and cleaning. If you catch it in time, your dentist will be able to help you treat the earlier stages of gum disease. Once you have had the piece of tooth removed from the gums, the tooth will be similar to the supragingival fracture. It normally doesn t affect the nerves, although as a result of the tooth area being lost, you may need to have a root canal to clean out the tooth before having a crown put on it. The seriousness of this fracture depends on how far it has went beyond the gum line. The Dry Socket Even though they aren t life threatening like bleeding or abscesses, dry sockets can be extremely painful. They are very common following surgery, and happen to be one of the most painful post extraction problems. Dry sockets are more common with removal of the lower teeth than they are with removal of upper teeth. Dentists always look to save teeth, as they don t like to remove a tooth unless they absolutely have to. If the tooth has become abscessed, the dentist will put you on antibiotics such as penicillin until the infection has subsided enough to remove the tooth. Throughout our lives, most of us will experience the pain and agony of a toothache at some point. Once the infection has started to spread, your jawbone may start to dissolve as it makes room for the swelling in the area that has been infected. Once the bone starts to dissolve, the pressure will be greatly reduced, although the infection will still be there. Even though you will get relief, the infection will get worse - and the pain will always come back. 

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