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Venom - Grinding Teeth

These fractures can be nothing to worry about at times, yet painful with other cases. Providing the pulp hasn t been damaged, your dentist will be able to restore the full shape and function to the fractured tooth. In cases where pulp damage has occurred, the dentist may need to do a root canal or other type of serious surgery to repair the tooth. During the procedure, he will numb the area then drill a hole into the tooth. Using various tools and equipment, he will go down inside of the tooth and scrape away the nerves and dead pulp. This is a very effective procedure, although very time consuming as well. In most cases, a root canal can take several hours, although it is the only way to stop the dying pulp and save the tooth. Once more of the bone has been dissolved, there will be nothing left to support the tooth, meaning that it will become loose and end up needing to be extracted. The symptoms of an abscessed tooth are easy to see, as they include severe pain in the affected area, red or swollen gums, a bad taste in your mouth, swelling around the area or the jaw, and possibly a high fever. Whenever pressure, hot, or cold elements travel down the tubules, it will trigger the nerves and result in pain. Those who don t have sensitive teeth will have their gums covering the tubules, which prevents these types of things from happening. The idea here is to stop tooth sensitivity and keep the gums healthy. They last several years, although composite isn t recommended for large cavities, or areas where they may chip. The final type of filling is porcelain. Porcelain is very common, and produced in lab where it will be matched to your teeth then bonded to the affected tooth. Porcelain fillings match the color of your teeth, and are resistant to any type of staining. To get this debris and plaque before it builds up into something more serious, you ll need to floss. If you ve been afraid to try flossing due to the bleeding, you should really get over that fear and floss after you brush. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you ll to brush and floss your teeth. Regular checkups with your dentist will help as well, although it is up to you to continue your regular maintenance at home with flossing and brushing. 

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