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How To Stop Clenching Teeth

If plaque and tartar build up along the gum line, the gums will eventually get swollen and irritated. Over time, the gums will get very tender and start to appear puffy. When you brush your teeth, you ll notice that your gums have become very sore and they will start to bleed with little to no pressure. Vertical apical root fractures occur with the tip of the root, and can cause you severe to intense pain, even if you ve had the nerve removed with a root canal. Even though the nerve may not be present, vertical apical root fractures cause a lot of pain, which occurs in the tooth. Normally, vertical apical fractures will cause you more pain than any other type of fracture. If you are already in pain when you visit the dentist, the shots will put your mind at ease and stop the pain almost immediately. If you have a tremendous fear of dental pain and simply cannot stand the thought of getting a shot, then you may be interested in laughing gas or IV sedation. Either of the two can help you relax before you the dentist applies numbing shots. Composite fillings are a common type of material, as they match the color of your teeth. The material that makes up the composite filling is mixed then placed directly in the cavity, where it hardens. They last several years, although composite isn t recommended for large cavities, or areas where they may chip. The pain will stem from the affected tooth or the jaw, and you ll know it almost immediately. It will start out to be a throbbing pain, then continue to get worse and worse until you get it treated. If you wait too long and allow the infection to spread throughout the tooth, you ll end up having to get it pulled or cut out. All About Cavities Cavities can best be described as tooth decay. As we all know, tooth decay is influenced by what we eat, how we take care of our teeth, and the amount of fluoride in our toothpastes. If your family has a history of tooth disease or teeth problems, then you may inherit it that way. This is very common, as many people inherit tooth problems that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

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