There are different kinds of signs that are used. Examples are: - Safe procedure signs, uses symbols, images and texts on a green background. This signs are used to direct the employees to safe areas, medical stations and safe courses of actions to take. - Mandatory signs use symbols on a blue field. When the job slows due to improper housekeeping, the employee must understand that productivity goes hand in hand with job security. The employee must keep the space under his influence tidy before break time and before starting work. There is such a thing as organized chaos promoted in many quarters. The problem often is that they are less articulate in proposing suggestions. True, there are suggestion boxes but most of the time the tendency is to listen to employees who have earned the respect of their bosses. To make this harder, suggestion boxes are in many instances treated as prank stations as well as complaint centers discouraging management from delving into it on a regular basis. Always maintain the employees' areas clear of anything that can pose risks to their safety. This comes with a bonus of better productivity. Prioritize safety in everything. Always clarify instructions. Set measures in place that can guarantee your employees' safety. When employees are working outside the office, provide them ample safety incentives. Never assume that an employee knows safety procedures because the employee was issued a safety handbook. To reduce accidents in the workplace, supervisors must be provided time to discuss the safety precautions and other work related issues with his subordinates. Winging It New employees in particular are on most occasions timid and would not ask too many questions. Ignoring suggested safety precautions. Failure to report unsafe practices and hazards, performing a task without protective gear and clothing, doing several tasks at the same time and becoming distracted are common causes of accidents at work. Falls, Trips and Slips. These injuries are caused by several factors.
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