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Supportive supplements for anxiety | Liz Earle Wellbeing

A panic attack is a sudden onset of fear or other terror that causes frightening symptoms that can paralyze a person in the mood of the moment. Many people report the notion of being “frozen by fear” and an anxiety attack definitely resembles that to a large degree. Patients discuss shaking, trembling, chills, numbness in extremities, heart palpitations, and trouble breathing among other things that are caused by the great difficulty of a panic attack. The shortness of breath can seem like your world is caving in, but by being able to recognize the symptom as part of an anxiety attack, you can more easily control this. Lightheaded or Faint Becoming lightheaded is one anxiety attack symptom that happens a lot in crowded areas. Many people have a phobia about being in crowds and becoming lightheaded or fainting is a common symptom that they experience. Many people don't realize they are actually having an anxiety attack until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as the symptoms can seem like you are actually dying. If you are someone who suffers from these kinds of attacks, it is important to know as much as you can about them as to help control them. Scents like frankincense, neroli, sage, rose, ylang ylang and bergamot have been found to effectively calm people out of panic attacks when they start. Aside from herbal and vitamin therapies, a lot of people who are searching for a panic attack natural remedy just want an alternative to antidepressants. They may suffer from insomnia, and will have elevated anxiety levels. Because of this elevated anxiety, people with panic attack and depression will often experience panic attacks on a normal basis. When someone has more than one panic attack, they can develop a phobia towards the situation, or a fear to return to a specific place. There are some signs or “red flags” to consider when determining if you are a candidate for a mental health professional that include: feeling unable to work, feeling unable to keep your normal behavior patterns or appearance or hygiene patterns, cutting off social connections, trouble sleeping, trouble eating, and trouble bathing. 

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