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It is suspected that many agoraphobics already had the propensity for being afraid of travel, with many of them being the type that experienced motion sickness before they ever experience panic attacks. The Unknown An Agoraphobia panic attack is particularly frustrating to the sufferer themselves. Mainly because the attack is even less rational then a standard panic attack. Truth isn’t exactly foreign to all sources, but it is not really an issue to those wanting to sell magazines or web site hits or any other sort of marketing avenue. Be aware of the motivations behind those offering information as that can often weigh heavily on the type of information they provide. They include but are not limited to: low blood sugar levels, certain heart conditions, excessive intake of caffeine, drug use, tumors (some tumors cause excess adrenaline which can lead to anxiety attacks), or an overactive thyroid gland. These conditions and others can lead to anxiety attacks and may be at the root of your problem. For some this can be after eating disagreeable foods, or an attack might occur if a particularly stressful event happened before sleeping. In most cases the reasons behind these attacks can be distinguished and the panic sufferer can begin to build towards a solution. Prevention Works As with any other type of attack, the best thing for a nocturnal panic attack is prevention. The heart races, the blood quickens, the eyes function differently, senses are heightened, and other parts of the body begin to react in other ways such as muscles tightening, etc. Anxiety attack heart difficulties can arise from the heart being told to work too fast by the brain, which is in charge of the “fight or flight” mechanism. Medication is a known trigger of an anxiety attack, and being less than active is known to be a contributor as well. In reality, there is not a particular known reason for people who experience these attacks, they are in short a body’s way of dealing with an overwhelming feeling in one way or another. 

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