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Common Child Behavior Problems and Their Solutions

Avoid hitting and spanking the child as this may be misinterpreted by the child as the proper way to deal with stress and mood swings. Physical abuse will only exacerbate the problem and will not help you in dealing with your child. In severe occasions, a child with this behavioral problem won t listen to you. There can be serious effects on the social relationship of the person with behavioral issue. They have difficulties in maintaining relationships like making friends or getting into a commitment. But what causes these problems? There are different possible causes of behavior problems, here are some possible causes. As of now, researchers are looking into neurotic and genetic causes of Binge Eating Disorder. Studies also show that people suffering with Binge Eating Disorders may become depressed because of their disgust towards uncontrollable eating. Extreme cases of people with BED reported having trouble sleeping, health problems, digestive problems, muscle and headaches, stress, and suicidal tendencies. The Advantage of Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Related Behavior Problems Depression is a serious mental illness that is characterized by a strong feeling of guilt, fear, sadness, anxiety and extreme loss of self-esteem. As such, the condition is mental because the period of depression lasts longer for clinically depressed patients, compared to normal people who undergo a period of depression only for a short time. Restructure cognition- Change the way you naturally think. For example, instead of cursing and yelling, you may just sit down and think of more positive thoughts when feeling angry. Bear in mind that anger will not in any way help you fix problems. It could literally make you a monster in the eyes and perception of people around you. These days, it is one of the common causes of uncontrollable behavior problems in children and teens. Growing concerns are being spurred by the fact that on estimates, about 8% to 10% of school-aged children worldwide are diagnosed with attention deficit disorders. In the United States, about 5% of the kids' population aged below 10 years old are said to have this condition. 

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