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Study: Parent training effective for reducing behavior problems in autism spectrum disorder

In order to check if you are already an unfortunate candidate of this disorder, you have to ask yourself the following questions: Has this excessive anxiety been going on and off for the past 6 months or so? Do you often experience the following: restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, unusual fatigue, disturbed sleep, and difficulty in concentrating? Behavior Problems of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Disorder Attention deficit disorder is a neurological or behavioral disorder that usually is diagnosed among kids under the age of 7 years. In the past, the condition was not widely recognized, but because reported cases are gaining in volumes, many people are now aware of this disorder. Due to the many drastic changes a teenager has to go through during this major phase in his or her life, depression usually sets in especially if the person does not have enough tolerance to accept major shifts and changes in his or her life. Due to extreme changes and adjustments teenagers has to go through, some of them find it hard to cope up with sudden shifts in their lives. Though no medication has been created or discovered for AS itself, professionals may also use prescriptions for the symptoms or AS, such as depression and anxiety disorder. It is also helpful for parents to take undergo specialized training in handling their child with AS. Previous studies have shown a large probability of parents divorcing due to the constraints of having a child with this kind behavior disorder, and of course, this solution would do nothing to help the child cope at all. Although you're busy, make sure that you spend quality time with the child so you are updated what's going on in his/her life. This time can also help the child veer away from the sadness he/she feels because there are people who are willing to spend fun and quality time with them. By spending more time with the child, you can monitor if there are possible signs of behavior problems. Parents need to understand the reason for their children s behavioral problems to help and encourage them. Here are some common behavior issues that parents have to deal with: Psychological disorders Psychological disorders can lead to anxiety, depression, aggression, and may affect the child s mental performance. 

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