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Ep #35: Dealing with daily ADHD behavior problems at school

Furthermore, there s no medication that can control the core symptoms of Asperger s. The ideal treatment would be therapy which should be individually tailored based on the capabilities of the person. A program which involves social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, speech therapy and physical therapy may help a child or even a adult with AS to function in their environment. Here are some strategies to help you keep anger-related behavior problems at bay. Relax- Anger-induced behavior problems could easily be resolved by simply relaxing. Take a deep breath then imagine happy images. This strategy has been proven to be effective in calming angry people and making hot heads cool. Saying "I love you" daily or as often as you can help the child cope up with sadness he or she feels whenever you're not around. The assurance of your love and support can also give them the confidence to be more confident of themselves. - Teach the preschool child to have a positive outlook in life. Just like grown ups, kids especially those who are already in preschool also experience sadness at this early stages of their lives. Due to several behavioral and sociological factors, little children can be prone to sadness especially if they are not given enough time, assurance, caring and support from their parents or peers. For instance, about 20% of five years old wet their bed. By the time they reached 10 years old, the percentage is just 5%. About 2-3% of children bedwetters, wet their bed due to medical conditions and problems. Bed wetting could be a result of diseases, small bladder, food allergies, hormonal imbalances, sleep apnea, constipation, social changes and stress. Parents should also pay attention to what their children would say about school. Most children would only say good things about school since they think that their parents are only hoping to hear good news. Let your kids know that even negative feedback about school is okay and you would not judge them. 

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