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What To Do If Your Child Has Behavior Problems At School

The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages children under two years old to watch television for more than two hours a day. A study published in Pediatrics, showed that those who watch more than two hours of television a day from ages 2 until 5 are more likely to develop problems in sleeping, attention and could become aggressive. If you tend to be angered more easily, you should start seeking anger management techniques especially when you start withdrawing socially. You may have lower tolerance for frustration and you may easily take violent and unlikely reactions when confronted by the feeling. Such a behavior problem should be conquered and controlled immediately before it takes matters more seriously. Aside from the physical benefits AAT gives, it has also been found out that animal companion also helps the person to improve and develop a sense of self-worth, ego strength, self-confidence and social competence. Today, AAT is known to work well with children who have behavior problems as well to kids that are autistic, nonverbal, schizophrenic, inhibited, withdrawn, obsessive-compulsive and even to those who are culturally challenged. However, it could also start at any age on a case to case basis. In order to check if you are already an unfortunate candidate of this disorder, you have to ask yourself the following questions: Has this excessive anxiety been going on and off for the past 6 months or so? Do you often experience the following: restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, unusual fatigue, disturbed sleep, and difficulty in concentrating? As a friend, a parent, a teacher or a relative, your utmost cooperation would also be of much use in helping the adolescent get over the disorder. Try not to treat the person differently. You must make him feel like he is an ordinary person, just like anybody else. Be patient and understanding when he exhibits behavior problems that are obviously linked to the condition. Aggression includes bullying, fights, forcing people, intimidating others, and such. Deceit may refer to thieving, lying, and delinquency. Other mischievous attitude, playing pranks, and truancy are all under the Rule Violation section. Proper diagnosis should be done by a physician or psychiatric people, since these symptoms can also be present in other behavior problems. 

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