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Behaviour Issue And Behaviour Therapy | Assistant Child Psychologist -Akansha A |Aster RV |BlueJays

Undergoing psychotherapy is one way to focus on the source of the problem and solve it. Psychologists or psychiatrists might use a cognitive-behavioral approach for this type of disorder, since the approach is more problem-focused. For more severe cases, the psychiatrist may suggest taking antidepressants in small doses for a certain period of time. These depression attacks which are usually characterized by repeated, recurrent and prolong periods of mood changes are known to lead to significant academic and social impairments and even to suicide-the second leading cause of death in teenagers today. In simple cases of behavioral problems in teens, the usual method of treating the condition is through a series of counseling where the patient is asked to attend consultations with a registered psychologist. Other mischievous attitude, playing pranks, and truancy are all under the Rule Violation section. Proper diagnosis should be done by a physician or psychiatric people, since these symptoms can also be present in other behavior problems. Like most behavior issues, Conduct Disorder may be treated via therapy and/or medication. One major difference between patients of the 2 disorders however, is that people with Aperger s Syndrome (AS) have developed language skills and can communicate using language, though not as efficient as others. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Asperger s is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by an inability to understand how to interact socially. But what causes this hyper activism-aggressiveness among children? Before you blame yourself, you must understand that there is no conclusive evidence that it is solely caused by genetics. A lot of experts in medical and psychological fields believe that genes only predispose one to have behavioral problems instead of directly causing the person to have it. Extreme cases of people with BED reported having trouble sleeping, health problems, digestive problems, muscle and headaches, stress, and suicidal tendencies. Because binge eaters feel upset about themselves, it may affect their social activities such as school and work. If left untreated, people with Binge Eating Disorder may result in obesity, which may in turn end in diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even certain types of cancer. 

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