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Child Behavior Problems One Shouldn’t Ignore

Let them exhaust that energy by doing sports, with the parents consistently encouraging them to excel in it. Make them watch documentary films that have slow pacing so that it may somehow influence and reduce their constant moving. Talk to the children and make them understand and empathize that hurting people is not good. When the person with behavior problems develops bipolar disorder, the common symptoms might include various stages of depression, unexplained sadness, onset crying, feeling the sense of worthlessness, sudden loss of energy and pleasure accompanied by sleeping problems. According to studies, aside from dramatic mood shifts and changes, there is actually a whole spectrum of symptoms characterized by bipolar disorder. Those with existing psychiatric problems like schizophrenia or depression have tendencies to be agitated and aggressive. Work closely with your physician about medications. Aside from medication, reassurance and encouragement could also help them. Another possible reason would be exposure to television. If left untreated, people with Binge Eating Disorder may result in obesity, which may in turn end in diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even certain types of cancer. If you suspect a loved one, or yourself with BED, it is better to seek help from professionals in order to treat it. Psychiatrists may use Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy. Although it might seem absurd that preschool children experience sadness that can lead to depression as they grow older, it should also be considered that when this nonchalance over the child's melancholy is not given proper attention, it can result to a more complex emotional problem in the future. What parents and teachers can do? It could also be due to sudden family changes or problems like divorce, illness or death. Children may not show their response right away to traumatic events especially if it would involve separation or divorce, death or an addition to the family. When changes like these happen, it is important to encourage them to share their feelings. 

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