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Effective Strategies in Dealing with Behavior Problems

These include Depression, Excessive yawning, Watery eyes, Insomnia, Diarrhea, Uncontrollable coughing, Nausea and vomiting, Heart palpitations, Cold sweats, and Perpetual feeling of being tired. As a friend, family or relative of a person subjected to OxyContin addiction or withdrawal, you are expected to extend your full and vigorous support to the person. This time can also help the child veer away from the sadness he/she feels because there are people who are willing to spend fun and quality time with them. By spending more time with the child, you can monitor if there are possible signs of behavior problems. 5. Be observant. If you notice that the mood of the child constantly fluctuates or he or she loses the drive to do something he/she enjoys doing before, it is time to ask what's wrong. In the United States alone, statistics shows that about 15 percent of American teenagers suffer from major depression that lead to behavioral problems afterwards. These depression attacks which are usually characterized by repeated, recurrent and prolong periods of mood changes are known to lead to significant academic and social impairments and even to suicide-the second leading cause of death in teenagers today. Families, friends and caregivers should be calm and patient during this time. Encourage the survivors to start recognizing emotions and reinforce their developments. Aggressive behaviors are best ignored. Drug and alcohol use Addiction to drugs and alcohol could cause serious problems to a personal and social development of a person. Proper diagnosis should be done by a physician or psychiatric people, since these symptoms can also be present in other behavior problems. Like most behavior issues, Conduct Disorder may be treated via therapy and/or medication. Cognitive behavioral therapy involves creating problem-focused solutions toward the problem itself. When the person with behavior problems develops bipolar disorder, the common symptoms might include various stages of depression, unexplained sadness, onset crying, feeling the sense of worthlessness, sudden loss of energy and pleasure accompanied by sleeping problems. According to studies, aside from dramatic mood shifts and changes, there is actually a whole spectrum of symptoms characterized by bipolar disorder. 

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