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Sammy and His Behavior Problems

There are different possible causes of behavior problems, here are some possible causes. Grief over a loss of something or somebody important. Death of a parent, family member, close friend or loss of house and property are something which could cause a person to feel frustrated, angry, insecure and be afraid. They may lose interest in different activities, become restless and but there are times that they will behave impulsively. The thought of dead or suicide may often cross their mind. Brain injury A serious and traumatic brain injury could cause personality changes, memory lapses or problems, difficulty in focusing, and easy to distract. Let them exhaust that energy by doing sports, with the parents consistently encouraging them to excel in it. Make them watch documentary films that have slow pacing so that it may somehow influence and reduce their constant moving. Talk to the children and make them understand and empathize that hurting people is not good. Combining Drug therapy with psychotherapy has shown positive results in treating BED so far. What people with Binge Eating Disorder should know is that they are not alone. They should not try to keep it from their family and friends, for these people are the ones who might help in curing this Disorder. Due to the many drastic changes a teenager has to go through during this major phase in his or her life, depression usually sets in especially if the person does not have enough tolerance to accept major shifts and changes in his or her life. Due to extreme changes and adjustments teenagers has to go through, some of them find it hard to cope up with sudden shifts in their lives. Habits Habits like thumb suckin, nail biting, hair pulling, hitting or biting themselves could be a response to situations where children may experience tension and pressure. To address these, parents should reinforce the child s positive development. Meanwhile, habits like thumb-sucking is better off ignored. 

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