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Could Histamine Intolerance be the Cause of My Child’s Behavior Problems?

A program which involves social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, speech therapy and physical therapy may help a child or even a adult with AS to function in their environment. Though no medication has been created or discovered for AS itself, professionals may also use prescriptions for the symptoms or AS, such as depression and anxiety disorder. According to studies, aside from dramatic mood shifts and changes, there is actually a whole spectrum of symptoms characterized by bipolar disorder. Some of these can be productive but can lead to catastrophic results once the mania or depression sets in because it can lead to death or suicide. What can be done? If s/he continues to show the behavior even after a few months, then it may be more that curiosity and mischief. For adults, most of the behavior problems are caused by medical and psychological disorders, like dementia, adult ADHD, or anti-social personality disorder. For treatment, several cases would require medications prescribed by physicians or mental health professionals. Drug and alcohol use Addiction to drugs and alcohol could cause serious problems to a personal and social development of a person. It could mean poor performance in work and school, suspicious behavior, sudden change in personality or sudden mood swings. They may also show sudden need for money without explaining where they will be using it. If there is an addiction or dependence on OxyContin, it is advised that the patient seek appropriate medical attention especially when behavior problems get more imminent. Usually, people who are aiming to withdraw from dependence on the substance are advised to spend days or months at a medical facility like a hospital during the entire duration of the withdrawal period. The adolescent would also find it hard to maintain relationships. He tends to become a loner because he could not interact well and nicely with people. If he gets into a romantic involvement, which could be rarely the case, he would find it hard to sustain and maintain it because the other person would not normally understand differences in behavior. 

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