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Chitosan Supplements

So perhaps the best that you can do to protect yourself and your health is to tell your health care professional before taking any chitosan-based products about your current medication. Tell your doctor if you are taking medicine or are allergic to any medicine, or if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while using chitosan. According to these studies the Chitosan viscosity is mainly dependent on average molecular weight of Chitosan itself. Chromatography together with technique of light scattering detection is the best possible way of determining this molecular weight. Amino group is another prime ingredient of Chitosan polymers according to the several studies carried out to find out the exact Chitosan chemistry. They depict the fact that the product truly helps people in losing fats. Furthermore, nowadays they consider that their weight loss products composed of chitosan are just fat substances that emerge to toil happenings for those in hunt of a secure mode to drop that body fat. You must be wondering what is chitosan; it actually is available for so many years and has long been regarded as an influential weight loss resolution. Numerous studies have reported chitosan really does work for weight loss, while others have reported that it doesn't. Regardless of what the reports have discovered or suggested, it is paramount to look at the chitosan warnings. There is a possibility in theory that it could block the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamins A, D, E and K. Numerous medical studies have been held till now and most of these conclude that this polymer has more shortcomings than benefits. It is promoted by manufacturers that chitosan has a noteworthy capability of offering best results in weight reduction. Though it is highly claimed by producers of chitosan that it is the best fat burner and fat magnet yet no research has supported this claim. Chitosan containing products stands high among other weight reducing products. This is because chitosan shows better ability of trapping, blocking and removing fat before its absorption in human body. Although chitosan fat removing products are available in 500mg and give good result yet chitosan 1000 mg offers optimum effects. 

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