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Sports and Contact Lenses

There are a lot of things you ll to need to know about your contacts, although they are far superior to the traditional correction of glasses. The first thing you ll need to do when getting contact lenses is to visit your optician and be fitted for the lenses. Your optician will give you a prescription for your contacts, examine the health of your eyes, and tell you which type of contacts will work the best for you. Unlike glasses, contact lenses will compliment everything you wear, for the simple fact that they don t stick out. Although there are quite a few differences between the two, they do have a few things in common as well. Both glasses and contacts require cleaning and careful handling. You ll need to spray your glasses and wipe them off a few times each day. They are good up to a month per pair, which makes them ideal for everyday use. They normally come in boxes of 6, meaning that a single pair will last you up to 3 months. If you wear contacts, you should look into the Acuvue advance. You can buy them online, through your local optician, or anywhere else that sells contacts. They are gaining in popularity, as they give those who wear bifocal glasses a very attractive alternative to wearing bulky glasses. They are very affordable as well - which makes them a more popular choice in the world of corrective lenses. What many may not realize, is the fact that bifocal contacts are very similar to glass lenses in the way they work. There are several ways that you can take care of your contact lenses, which will ensure that they stay healthy and remain comfortable when you wear them. Before you put your contacts in, the first thing to do is wash your hands with soap and warm water. You should also make sure that you dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel, as soap residue or chemicals may get on the contacts, causing them to be very uncomfortable and possibly even burning your eyes when you put them in. A lot of contact lens users feel that the cheaper brands of contacts are reliable, dependable, comfortable, and above everything else - affordable. Even though cheap lenses are praised by some - others don t look at them that way. Some feel that cheaper lenses should be avoided at all cost, for the fear that they may damage vision or not offer the same quality that the higher priced brands of contacts offer. 

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