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Best Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes | Most Comfortable Contacts

Up until recently, those who wore bifocals had very limited options when they chose their corrective lenses. Years ago, glasses that contained bifocal lenses were just about the only option available. Over the years, no-line lenses were created, and glasses became a bit more attractive. This was a very definitive time for bifocal correction lenses, as they looked a lot better than they ever did in the past - eliminating the bulky and unattractive appearance they were well known for. If you don t clean your contacts on a regular basis, you may end up getting an eye infection. Contact lenses are a great investment for anyone who needs vision correction, although you ll need to take care of them. Whether you wear soft or hard contacts, you ll need to clean them on a regular basis and examine them for defects, dirt, or tears. Contact lenses are also used by those who have had cataract surgery, as they can help the eyes to heal a bit faster. Contacts are used in the eye, where they will float above a sea of tears that rest in front of the cornea. You should always go to a doctor to be fitted, as the proper fitting and design is very important for safety, comfort, and the accurate vision. This is all about preference, and what you feel is the best for you. If you have the money to spare, you would be better off getting a pair of brand name contacts. On the other hand, if you are on a limited budget, cheap contact lenses would do you good - at least until you get the money to buy one of the better brands. During your exam, you ll go through several tests that will let the optometrist know the health and vision of your eyes. Once the exam is finished and your optometrist has the information he needs, you will be a given the prescription to get your contact lenses. Without a prescription, most places won t sell you contacts. The reason for this, is the protein buildup that builds on the surface of the lens. Once you have worn a pair of contacts for a period of time, the protein in your eyes builds up on the lens, which you eventually have to change out. Protein is a bad thing, which is the reason why you must clean your contacts frequently and soak them in solution for hours at a time. 

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