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Estrogen & progesterone

With lower estrogen, the ovaries will produce minimum numbers of eggs as well. And with fewer eggs produced, menstrual cycle will stop. Usually, the cause of low estrogen production is aging. It can stop your ovaries from producing estrogens that will cause the absence of menstruation or menopause. The production of low estrogen also affects the holistic balance of the woman s body or the homeostasis. Part of the related study undertaken by the group regarding too much estrogen intake, showed various negative effects on the body which will manifest in the duration of short term and long term intake. The negative effects for short-term intake over dosage are: Breast tenderness Vaginal Bleeding or spotting Enlarged Fibroids Migraine and headaches Abdominal pain and Bloating Nausea Skin rashes Increase in Triglycerides Coronary Artery Disease Thromboplebitis Another question resurfaces along side the inquiry regarding too much estrogen intake. These drugs are available over all the leading drug stores in your area. However, you will need to consult your doctor first for further medical management. They will educate you about the function of the normal estrogen level in the body and all the information you need regarding this matter. You can also eat estrogen-containing foods. Women are pre dominated by these hormones that they appear to have smaller hips, bigger chest, slimmer body and firmer skin compared to men. These particular hormones are also the reason why women menstruate. Women who lack such sex hormones often have different physique that is closer to males. Usually, if women do not have enough estrogen and progesterone, they appear to have smaller breast and masculine appearance. Every year, there are 500,000 U.S women suffering from osteoporosis cause by this deficiency. Since treatment for osteoporosis cost 10 billion per year, only a few are able to survive this maddening disease across the country. However, doctors said that best technique for osteoporosis is to prevent it. Other doctors prescribe it for people who have low levels of Estrogen. However, the dosage that a person should apply always depends on the doctor s recommendation. Each of the patches is sealed individually in a protective pouch. You can also apply this directly to the skin though some patches require a base medicine. 

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