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Menopause, estrogen and your SKIN, The REAL medical grade skincare

In order to prevent this, hormone replacement therapy must be made. However, the therapy is only good for women who has estrogen deficiency and wants to prevent her self from having a cardiovascular disease. These two disease both need immediate treatment. Though the first disease will is not a killer disease, it can also make your life difficult to lead on. However, there are only three top occurring estrogens in women namely: estrone, estradiol and estriol. 1. Estrone this is the most powerful among the three. This is the main estrogen being produced in the ovary. 2. Estratiol this is the most common estrogen. It is adapted to estrone. This is the most powerful estrogen produced by the ovary before menopausal stage. Sources of oestrogen include the ovaries, the corpus luteum, and the placenta. Smaller amounts of it are found in the liver, adrenal glands, and breasts. These secondary sources are known to be very beneficial to post-menopausal women. Downfall of Estrogen In the later part of a woman s life, around the age of 50, her ovaries face the tide of menopause, a period when it finally ceases producing estrogens. It may reduce mood changes and enhance psychological comfort Although there are severe threats associated with estrogen therapy, many health practitioner and institutions believe that the helpful result set aside the risk factors. Consider the following statements made by the American Medical Association: Estrogen therapy is the only reliable and adequate therapy to maintain system dependents with the hormones in the ovary and to reduce hot flushes. Not all the hormones are helpful to the human system at all times because it serves as both antagonist and protagonist in the achievement of balance in the bodily functions. It can be due to the diet of a person, exercise and even stress. Estrogen medications are used to treat disorders that are caused by low estrogen level in a person s body or due to the menopausal symptoms. Men and women are both prone to having hair loss since this is present in both of them. In men, hair loss is the result of the malfunctioning of prostate glands. The prostate can start to make overly big quantities of the hormone called the DHT. This is a destructive form of testosterone and estrogen, which causes the follicles of the hair to reduce in size and avoid new hair growth. 

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