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What KIND of Estrogen Can Prevent Diseases Associated With Menopause - 84

Women who have abnormal menstrual cycle are often predisposed to having iron deficiency anemia because of the enormous blood loss during pregnancy. These women are advised to take iron regularly to avoid IDA. These are the symptoms you can feel when you have high estrogen level. If you experience the same symptoms, you should consult your doctor and ask for more medical assistance. Some of which are apples, licorice, eggplant, cucumbers, peas, pomegranates, clover, carrots, garlic, pumpkins, soybeans and soybean sprouts, barley, papaya, dates, potatoes, alfalfa, eggs, fennels, plums, oats, yams, wheat, rice, and many more. With regular intake of these foods, your body will maintain normal estrogen level. Estrogen hormone helps in developing the breast of the women, thickening of the endometrial, affects the discharge of hormones from pituitary gland and changing the menstrual cycle. There are a total of six estrogenic substances in the women s body. However, there are only three top occurring estrogens in women namely: estrone, estradiol and estriol. Not all the hormones are helpful to the human system at all times because it serves as both antagonist and protagonist in the achievement of balance in the bodily functions. It can be due to the diet of a person, exercise and even stress. Estrogen medications are used to treat disorders that are caused by low estrogen level in a person s body or due to the menopausal symptoms. The latter one is a dreaded disease that might kill a patient when not properly treated. As for conclusion, in order to avoid such diseases, it is important that women with estrogen deficiency should be given ample care. Do not let women first suffer from diseases before nursing them. Remember, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. As mentioned on the second, women always wanted to have an immediate relief of what they feel may it give hundred of benefits or thousand of drawbacks. Most women are concerned about the released studies of the NIH. Some may have stopped using the pill, but are expected to experience the return of the menopause symptoms. 

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