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DIM----Diindolylmethane🥦🥦 and Estrogen

However, if a women have an over production of these hormones, it may lead to more serious state like stroke and osteoporosis, as what other studies says. Everyone including men must also know the importance of estrogen and progesterone in the women body. Men should also know that they have these hormones in their body but are found in minimal or sometimes in negligible amount. Most common side effects of Estrogen patches are skin irritation, back pain and sometimes headache. Sometimes you will also experience bloating and abdominal cramps but these are very rare side effects. People most particularly the women are aware about the fact that Estrogen patches can cause uterus or ovarian cancer. Old age can be one of the reasons why women experience irregular estrogen production. Usually, when women reach old age, their body can no longer produce normal estrogen, which may lead to some bothering body malfunctions. Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. Estrogen cream helps the woman in maintaining a healthy hormone balance especially during the period of menopausal and even beyond. On the other hand, the maintenance of this cream is also quite difficult because if you use it beyond what the doctor prescribed, it can lead to some very serious risks. Possible Side Effects of Taking Estrogen Hormone Estrogen hormone is a group of compounds called steroid. It is dubbed as estrogen because of its big importance in the oestrus cycle. The main function of it is, as female sex hormone. This hormone is found in both men and women but women of reproductive age have high levels of it. One of the worst effects that it can bring to a person is the so-called endometrial cancer. This is often due to a prolonged intake of Estrogen. The risk will vary on the length of the treatment and the dosage of the Estrogen taken by a patient. Since Estrogen therapy has the long term and the short term period, it must be noted that lower dose of medicine should be taken for the long term in order to reduce the risk. 

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