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Hormones Effects Estrogen Q&A | Mtf

If Premarin is not suited in a person s system, it will result to the following side effects: A person experiences bloating and swelling in some areas of the body that may seem very unusual. There is also an intense feeling of irritation even without any reason. It leads to persistent high tempered feeling. The negative effects for short-term intake over dosage are: Breast tenderness Vaginal Bleeding or spotting Enlarged Fibroids Migraine and headaches Abdominal pain and Bloating Nausea Skin rashes Increase in Triglycerides Coronary Artery Disease Thromboplebitis Another question resurfaces along side the inquiry regarding too much estrogen intake. there is a higher concentration of this particular substance in the body of those women who does not have breast cancer. It is very beneficial to the vagina, vulva and cervix. In cases where there is a related affliction to the mentioned parts, it is safest if the patient is going to use Estriol Estrogen preparation. What are the disadvantages of the estrogen therapy? 1. It increases the threat of uterus cancer 2. It increases the threat of breast cancer especially when used for over 10 years. 3. It can be very dangerous for women who are more prone to blood clotting. 4. It can give headaches or migraines 5. It increases the threat for endometrial cancer 6. PA-1 is said to be the vital inhibitor of fibrinolysis which multiplies in women after menopause and may risk a lady s life of cardiovascular disease. If you really need it and if you have the right amount of money, why not undergo ERT? But always remember to weigh the pros and cons that ERT provides. Vegetables such as barley, carrots, clover, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, licorice, peas, parsley, peppers, pomegranates, potatoes, pumpkin, red clover, rhubarb, soybean sprouts, tomatoes, and others; 3. Seeds such as anise seeds, chickpeas, cowpeas (black eyed peas), flaxseeds, red beans, sesame seeds, soybeans, split peas, sunflower seeds, and others; and 4. 

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