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How To Lower Estrogen Levels In Males Naturally

A woman is advised to take an estrogen replacement therapy to improve the level of estrogen that decline due to a disorder called hysterectomy after the menopausal period. It is given for women who undergo either the premenopausal and postmenopausal period in their menstrual cycle. This is usually done in order to avoid possible discomfort and health problem brought by the imbalance estrogen hormone in the system of a woman. However, a woman's body should continuously produce estrogen to maintain its sexual functions. If your body is already incapacitated of producing estrogen, you can try eating foods that has natural estrogen. There are several herbs and foods that can be a great source of pure and natural estrogens. They can be useful during menopause. The most common side effects with estrogen hormone are: Softness of the breast, either men or women Inflammation of the ankles and legs Lesser cravings for food Sudden changes in weight Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pains Skin Irritation Other side effects are: Bleeding gums Vaginal bleeding and spotting Changes in menstrual flow Painful menstruation PMS or the pre-menstrual syndrome Vaginal infection such as Candida Diarrhea Loss of scalp hair Migraine Faintness Despair Increased sexual desires Decreased sexual desires Rare side effects include: Blood clotting Sudden feeling to urinate Unclear speech Changes in vision Breathlessness Estrogen hormone should always be balanced. Since treatment for osteoporosis cost 10 billion per year, only a few are able to survive this maddening disease across the country. However, doctors said that best technique for osteoporosis is to prevent it. How should it be done? The answer is by adding up the estrogen to the affected women. Estrogen has the ability to saves more bone tissues than calcium does. Most common side effects of Estrogen patches are skin irritation, back pain and sometimes headache. Sometimes you will also experience bloating and abdominal cramps but these are very rare side effects. People most particularly the women are aware about the fact that Estrogen patches can cause uterus or ovarian cancer. Since Estrogen therapy has the long term and the short term period, it must be noted that lower dose of medicine should be taken for the long term in order to reduce the risk. It is also necessary that you see your doctor at least twice a year while you are taking the medication to avoid complications. 

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