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Victim of Identity Theft? Tips from a consumer lawyer.

If you have several credit cards, do not carry all of them with you. Bring only one or two credit cards when you go out. This would minimize the chance of you credit being stolen and of you becoming a victim of identity number theft. 6. such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, etc on your laptops or desktops personal computers. Beyond Identity Theft Law In a civilized world, having law to condemn felony is a mainstream practice to protect personal freedom of citizens. Every educated, adult knows the concept of universal right and wrong as far as execution of freedom is concerned like the way no one kills to end someone else's life. Identity theft continues to be a threat to many individuals in America and across the globe. Unfortunately, although the social security number is supposed to provide one with security, it has been found most often to be the cause of identity theft. For this reason, one must be very careful in giving out one's social security number to prevent identity theft. Other identity numbers, such as specialized ATM s, Credit Cards, Master Cards, issued for high end use, and benefits with high potential credibility, are approved and released on strict and stiff screening process that allow the individual, to use on international travel and expense abroad, instead of carrying cash bulk, or money transfers that entail more time and effort. Identity theft happens when one makes use of your personal information without your knowledge to create fraud and other crimes. With the advent of the computer and the Internet, it has made such a crime more prevalent, making more and more people susceptible. Even the proliferation of credit cards and its growing use in the world today has made it easier for more criminals to commit identity theft. Questions From an Identity Theft Victim Identity theft is a crime in which the imposter obtains key pieces of information such as Social Security and driver's license numbers to obtain credit, merchandise and services in the name of the victim. The victim is left with a ruined credit history and the time-consuming and complicated task of regaining financial health. 

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