Marine iguanas are said to be blackish in color and prospering on the sea. Normally, these are not black. Their young ones have a biaxial stripe and the fully grown marine iguanas have grayish color. They actually have a dull color. They have the advantage to absorb heat from sunrays when they come out of water because of this dark color and can keep themselves warm. The serious consequences can lead to death as well. Albino iguana should be given feed daily on a regular basis. The best time to give them food is at the daybreak almost an hour after they wake up. It is the ideal time for their food as they can digest the food during the day before going to sleep. Moreover, the morning atmosphere provides perfect temperature for digestion of food. You can use the lower two feet storage place. Some iguana will usually try to hide in the bottom portion. They may fall sick and get hypothermia. It is better to provide a circular closet bar and a shelf on top. If you fix the lights on bar, these will lie too low. The lights can be fixed at the top with some clips. The Rhinoceros Iguanas have mostly grayish brown color. The male in this species grows up to 56 cms in length and weighs about 10 Kg. Rhinoceros Iguana has a raspy skin with dermal scales on it. There are also large scales on his head. Some of the species of Rhinoceros Iguana have horns also. These can be comprehended as simple grown up scales. It should see enough sunlight for growth of its bone structure. How can you distinguish a male iguana from a female? There a few distinct features between a male and female iguana. Males carry large fat pockets over their head and have heavier lower jaws. They carry larger femoral pores on the lower side of their thighs. The skin of iguana should be free from scratches, lumps, scars and cuts. At the same time, observe that the animal you buy is clean and no fecal matter is clinging to it. If it is dirty that means there is danger of bacteria in the environment it lived. It may fall sick. The Dwelling for Iguana: If you are new to keeping iguana as pet, you can start with a tank to keep them.
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