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claw ring making - how it's made jewelry

You are trying to create a new form of art and are finding that some things may be a little difficult to get to happen. The experts showing you how to do something on a video make it look so easy. You will believe it is easy until you get out there and try to do it yourself. It is at this moment that you realize that you are not able to do what they did. Make sure that your compressor is rated for the type of work you are going to be doing. In this case it will be airbrushing t-shirts. When doing airbrush art onto t-shirts as a business then invest in a commercial air compressor. It will be worth it in the long run. Most of the times you will need to heat set your paints so that they can be washed without fading or bleeding. Keeping your equipment in proper working order and clean will save you a lot of money and hassles. Equipment that is not kept clean and properly cared for will break down more often. Also equipment in is not taken care of and cleaned will not produce quality airbrush art. First let's look at how to clean your airbrush. Your work will be put up there for the sites traffic to see and thus getting you known in the industry. Take the time to submit several pictures of your work to several website airbrush art galleries. Don't depend on just a couple of pictures on one or two sites to get you known. Myspace is also a great way to get seen and gain some exposure. While most magazines and books will offer some pictures this is not enough for a fully visual person. So when some one is fully visual and they want to learn something the best thing they can do is watch videos that show how to do something. There are some great videos on the market that will show a beginner how to do airbrush art. Airbrushing nails to airbrushing cars is explained in great detail to help you advance further no matter what surface you like to put your airbrush art on. Airbrush2: Concepts for the Advanced Artist by Radu Vero will help to teach the experienced artist more advanced techniques. By learning these advanced techniques the artist can start to create even more complex airbrush art. 

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