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By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. These can be wrapped in sheets or dust covers and placed, with padding around them, in the van once the boxes are in. Easier said than done, but it saves you having to clean up water in the van, or worse, damaging your boxes and bags because your freezer has leaked. Any food you're using now should be as minimal prep as possible, so that you can pack any tins, cans, pots and pans you have left over. Final checks with your utilities should also be made hopefully, you'll have managed to either transfer or connect a new phone number at your new house, so you can start updating contact details. If the move is in relation to a family separation, it s important to include them in the process where at all possible, and ensure their voices are heard when picking a house. Often you can research amenities, such as local shops, schools, leisure areas and more online, which may ease the burden of investigating all of that personally. You should also always take your cleaning items with you a box of your most commonly used items or a checklist can save you time and effort in the long run. Some of the most common stains and marks can be removed with ease with every day household items. Scuffs and marks on woodwork can be removed with a pencil eraser these marks, from shoes, wheels, or rubber bumping against things are hard to remove any other way, but come off with ease with a rubber. Dark paintwork is a definite turn off as are stained, worn or smelly carpets both of which need to be taken care of. On the latter, you could offer an 'allowance' or remove a fraction of the house costs for carpets or, if you can, invest yourself and replace them, to allow a possibly higher sale price. You should never redirect your major bills, such as your bank statements, credit card statements, notices of payments from people or anything that can be used as ID with the increase of identity theft on the rise, its important to consider what you're going to be leaving behind when moving. You can't guarantee that the people moving in to your old home will forward your billing information or other sensitive documents, so its important to ensure you know what you've got to transfer and keep a list so that you can mark off what you're transferring bills. 

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