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We're Moving Out

Most of your utilities should be on and connected for moving but you may find that your Internet and phone, cable or satellite take several weeks to be reconnected. In these cases, you should make the most of the change, and unpack as much as you can. After a month or two, your life will be back into its work/life/sleep pattern so consider any break from it, if you can, a holiday of sorts. House selling has become a very competitive market, and though people are desperate in some areas to buy a house, its important you take care to ensure that the you've done all you can to make your house as attractive, safe and saleable as possible. It is said that the average house buyer has no vision which means you need to make their 'envisioning' themselves within the house as easy as possible. If you're de-cluttering, you can also begin packing whilst doing so, but considering some houses sell up to three months before you're planning on moving OR up to a year after you've moved, its also important not to plan to sell straight away, unless your house is in a highly sought after area, and you've got a good, competitive price. Note down any damage or concerns you have to be discussed with whomever you're dealing with its important to have these notes before moving anything in so that you can get the problems remedied as soon as possible. If you're letting from a landlord, he'll give you a list of any fittings, fixtures and furniture he's leaving its very common nowadays for landlords to leave 'white goods' kitchen appliances, such as the fridge, freezer, washing machine and cooker. Easier said than done, but it saves you having to clean up water in the van, or worse, damaging your boxes and bags because your freezer has leaked. Any food you're using now should be as minimal prep as possible, so that you can pack any tins, cans, pots and pans you have left over. Final checks with your utilities should also be made hopefully, you'll have managed to either transfer or connect a new phone number at your new house, so you can start updating contact details. You could hold a yard sale, or garage or even a car boot sale - or if you have enough time, auction them online, either via a recognized site, or through your own website, if you have the know how - getting rid of the things you don't need is both very freeing and releasing, and can actually generate you some extra money for the move. 

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