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How to Move an Entire House

From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. The First Few Days The first few days in your new house will feel just as if you're still packing just you'll be unpacking and making a mess. Its impractical to even try to consider being organized and unpacked within one day, unless you have very few belongings, so you should try to unpack in the order you packed, or as close to it as possible placing boxes in or near the room you're planning to unpack may be impractical, depending on the size of the house, but makes things easier. An average four person house requires at least a seven tonne van to move, whilst a house that doesn't de-clutter might need twice that! De-cluttering can be considered essential or heartless - but either way, moving house is one of the best times to do a proper de-clutter - in fact sometimes, its the only 'spring clean' that some people do. This is important because the longer you leave your bookings, the harder it may be to get an affordable moving company. This also goes for moving, if you're allowing a firm to pack and move you. Packing firms may also need plenty of warning to be booked, so ensure you investigate this fully before committing to booking them with a month of time. Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning. The last week of packing is everything you have left with an eye to ensuring that you'll be able to live out of as few boxes as possible and seal the rest. Moving Further Than a Couple of Streets Sometimes, moves take us hundred's of miles from our home town to new states, countries or continents. These moves are harder to plan for, and require much more stringent assessment of belongings, so that you can afford the move itself. Long distance moves are harder on families who are used to supporting one another you'll often find that your phone bill increases and that you'll have more problems adjusting if you're moving away from familial support if you're moving TO your family though, you can be sure that things may get easier if a little nutty. 

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