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MOVING VLOG #2 | packing our entire home + picking up our keys!

You may also want to start making a list of any items you'll need when you move to your new house anything you've ran out of or will use before the move, so that you can buy more once you're in your new house. You should also consider, if possible, cleaning any rooms you're not going to use much. Give them a through scrubbing it will save you having to do it (or hire someone to do it) on the last few days before your move. These donations and sales make mental and space sense - you're not wasting perfectly good items you will probably never use again, and you could sell the really good condition items in a variety of places. You could hold a yard sale, or garage or even a car boot sale - or if you have enough time, auction them online, either via a recognized site, or through your own website, if you have the know how - getting rid of the things you don't need is both very freeing and releasing, and can actually generate you some extra money for the move. By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. These can be wrapped in sheets or dust covers and placed, with padding around them, in the van once the boxes are in. Your job too plays a huge part in picking a house - can you easily travel to your place of work, and more importantly, is the area able to offer a similar job, should the worst happen? You can also balance isolation and city life with what you prefer - if you prefer a quieter pace of life, its better to move to a town, though you may find that houses further out of cities may cost slightly more. Some people like to pack their living room last - some like to pack rooms in two lots - one round to remove the non essentials, and one round to complete packing, others still like to pack where they can, when they can. Deciding on what's unimportant and can be packed first is a good place to start. After de-cluttering thoroughly, packing any books, and out of season clothes, you can start deciding on a packing schedule. If you overestimate the space you need, you'll not get a refund, and find that space is wasted especially, if you book a larger van than you require. Too small and you may find that your belongings don't fit, or that you get charged extra. You also might not get to move that day, if they have to unload one van and reload another, or book another transport for your belongings. 

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