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MOVING INTO OUR NEW HOUSE | organizing my kitchen, new TV, couch

Boxes are a great way to pack things into regular spaces and makes them easier to carry. You can also get boxes from supermarkets, and sometimes from recycler and on Craig s list. Some removal firms also supply them if you're using their vans, or their moving men, or provide them if you are letting them pack for you. You should also phone your doctors surgery/local health care provider, or church group to let them know you're going to be at a new address. Many people appreciate personalized notices that their friends and family have moved so you should send out the last of those items now. You may also want to consider a 'house cooling' party use paper plates and disposable cups and make an adventure of it you could even talk your family and friends into some last minute packing/painting help. Baking soda is good for a whole month, so can be used continually, not just for cleaning for a move. If you're washing textured walls, use a nylon sock to do so it means you won't leave fluff in your wake and always wash walls from the bottom up to avoid streaking, applying any cleaning solution you're using (once tested to ensure paint, or wallpaper fastness) in small patches whilst you're cleaning. You'll want to keep a couple of boxes, or bags spare and on hand so that you can catch anything that you've missed, that's been knocked into a corner, or essentials that you've kept out for the move the latter should be marked clearly so that you can find them at the other end. Keeping your kettle, mugs, coffee, tea, toiletries and baby supplies (if you've got a small child) separate from your packed belongings might be a good idea, as is keeping any essential work, moving, utility or ID documents in a safe place during your move. Your bank, credit card, mobile phone and utilities should all know that you're moving and on which date you're transferring to that address so all that remains now is to make sure that you have new utilities in your new house and that they have a definite date for beginning. The last week of packing is everything you have left with an eye to ensuring that you'll be able to live out of as few boxes as possible and seal the rest. Estate agents, and Realtors do a great job of selling houses, but in an ever increasingly competitive market, you have to do very unique things to sell your house - it has been reported that some people are offering new cars, or paying the tax on your house for the first year of your stay in the new house. 

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