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3 Moving Hacks | Public Storage

You'll want to keep a couple of boxes, or bags spare and on hand so that you can catch anything that you've missed, that's been knocked into a corner, or essentials that you've kept out for the move the latter should be marked clearly so that you can find them at the other end. Keeping your kettle, mugs, coffee, tea, toiletries and baby supplies (if you've got a small child) separate from your packed belongings might be a good idea, as is keeping any essential work, moving, utility or ID documents in a safe place during your move. Two Days to Go The last few days before your move will be a blur of final packing, cleaning, touching up, organizing and sleeplessness. You'll probably want to take time off work, if you haven't done so already, and devote all of your time to finishing your preparations for the move. Everything should be in place for you by now if not, you should follow up on any loose ends that will affect your first days in your new house as soon as possible. Before Moving Anything In Before moving any of your belongings into your new home, its important to make sure that everything is as it should be. You may have had a list of repairs you expected or this may be the first time you've seen the house empty. Take some time to go around with a notepad and check all of the sockets for obvious signs of wear and tear and look for damage that you might be otherwise liable for. This will all help in your new house. Always remember to mark bags you're using for belongings clearly so that they don't get mistaken for rubbish - or buy completely different bags for your rubbish and your belongings. 5) While it may only take you a couple of weeks to pack, it can take eight weeks - or MORE to unpack at the other end - so though you're 'just boxing items up for a couple of days' remember that you may not find it for up to two months, or perhaps more. Access includes whether its a long way to your front door, or if parking is readily available, or conversely, difficult. Booking your own van can be pretty straight forward - once you work out how large a van you need. An average four bedroom house requires around a ten tonne van, but some families have less belongings, and some have more, so its important to judge carefully and ask around rental firms for their opinion. From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Small and home offices are also usually quite interesting to move - a new area for local clients and a nightmare for people that run services online, so its important to plan accordingly and ensure that you've made plans to cover yourself during the move. 

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